Create your ritual to delicately overlay the products you need, with the right ingredients, sequence, frequency and method of use for comprehensive care, to achieve a long-term, fruitful effect for beauty and health on the principle of "inside-out"!
STEP 1: Detox
Any care begins with cleansing. To be able to be matched for you, the active ingredients reach the deep layers of the skin must be removed dirt from the environment, greasy layers and residues of cosmetic products.
+ Pressing the pump is enough to clean your face and neck.
+ Разтъркай Micellina ppFOAM CLEANSER между дланите си за няколко секунди и разнеси пяната по лицето.
+ Изплакни обилно с хладка вода.
STEP 2: Specialized Care for temporary and Individual Flaws
After cleansing the skin, specific imperfections for each organism come to the fore. To combat them, use a complex of specialized prebiotic products with intense effect and concentrated strength that meet all the requirements.
+ Through a pipette, put 3-4 drops SlowAge AD youthful essence drops in the palm of her hand.
+ With 1-2 movements, spread your thumbs apart on both hands.
+ Apply with gentle movements SlowAge AD youthful essence drops the whole face and neck.
+ Massage until the product is completely absorbed.
STEP 3: Protect and Regenerate
Given the harm caused by urban pollution and modern life, the use of additional protection is not enough. Finish caring for protecting, nourishing and strengthening your own regenerative systems from the inside out!
+ With one incomplete pumping bottle, put the amount of ppCREAM®like peas on your fingers.
+ With 1-2 movements, spread the cream on the fingertips on both hands.
+ Apply with gentle movements ppCREAM® the whole face and neck.
+ Massage until the product is completely absorbed.
+ Makeup has been designed to keep your face looking longer, so it's harder to take care of. If you use makeup, especially if it is waterproof, instead of Micellina ppFOAM CLEANSER connect OFF make-up ppOIL CLEANSER с Micellina ppMICELLAR WATER, за да премахнеш напълно всички замърсявания.
+ Cleansing the skin is extremely important, as in order to absorb up to the dermis, the active ingredients of the products must pass through several layers of the epidermis. At night, our skin secretes sebum and sweat, as well as during the day, which puts another barrier between the dermis and the surface of the skin. Use Micellina ppFOAM CLEANSER in the morning, to clean and refresh the skin before applying daily products.
+ Нанасяй продуктите последователно, според инструкцията.
+ Увери се че продукта е напълно попил, преди да нанесеш следващия продукт.
+ За да забавиш появата на признаците на стареене, използвай SlowAge AD youthful essence drops сутрин и вечер, преди да нанесеш ppCREAM® or ppSERUM®.
+ Есенцията е високо активен лек продукт. Винаги след нанасяне на SlowAge AD youthful essence drops нанасяй подходящ финиширащ продукт, съобразен с твоята кожа (ppCREAM®)
+ Nanasyai ppCREAM® always clean and dry face.
+ ppCREAM® могат да бъдат нанесени в два слоя за повишаване на протективните и регенеративните им свойства.