These GENERAL TERMS and CONDITIONS govern the relationship between „ALI-MA NATURAL LABORATORY“ Ltd., hereinafter referred to as „Merchant“, and Customers of websites and services located on the domain (hereinafter referred to as Customers).
Please read the fully published General Terms and Conditions before using the information and commercial services offered by the site (called for short Services). By visualizing each Customer automatically undertakes to comply with the conditions described below.
This document contains information about the activities of the „Merchant“ and the general conditions for using the services provided by the „Merchant“, governing the relationship between us and each of our registered users.
The confirmation of the General Terms and Conditions is a necessary and obligatory condition for the registration of each Customer and for the conclusion of the contract between them and the „Merchant“. By clicking on the virtual button „Registration“ it is considered that you are familiar with the General Terms and Conditions and agree to abide by them.
Art. 1 The services provided by the „Merchant“ to the Customer are services of the information society within the meaning of the Electronic Commerce Act.
Art. 2 „The Merchant“ is an e-shop available on the website, through which Users have the opportunity to enter into contracts for the sale and delivery of goods offered by the Merchant.
Art. 3 (1) The „Merchant“ identifies the Customer of the site by storing log files on the server of and the IP address of the Customer.
(2) The „Merchant“ has the right to collect and use information about the Customer after their registration. The information by which the person can be identified may include name, surname, date of birth, sex, address, telephone number, as well as any other information that the person provides voluntarily upon registration. The information includes any other that the Customer enters, uses or provides when using the Services provided by the „Merchant“.
Art. 4 (1) „Merchant“ takes due care and is responsible for protecting the information about the Customer, which became known to him on the occasion of registration – subject to these General Terms, except in cases of force majeure, accident or malicious acts of third parties.
(2). In the registration form filled in by the Customer upon registration, the „Merchant“ indicates the mandatory or voluntary nature of the provision of data and the consequences of refusing to provide them. By agreeing to these General Terms and Conditions, the Customer agrees to the information about him to be processed in the manner prescribed therein.
(3) The restrictions under para. 1 shall not be applied in case the “Merchant” is obliged to provide the personal information about the Customer to the respective competent state bodies according to the current legislation.
Art. 5 (1) The “Merchant” shall collect and use the information under Art. 3 for the purposes provided for in these General Terms and Conditions, as well as for offering new goods and / or services to the Customer (free or paid). The described purposes for which the information is used are not exhaustively listed and do not give rise to obligations for the „Merchant“.
(2) By accepting these General Terms and Conditions, the User agrees to the processing of his personal data for the purposes of this contract and direct marketing.
Art. 6 Personal data provided by the user, as well as personal data prepared and generated by the Merchant in the process of providing services, are processed and stored by the Merchant in accordance with Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27.04. 2016 on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data and repealing Directive 95/46 / EC (General Data Protection Regulation).
Art. 7 (1) For concluding a contract with the „Merchant“, the Customer is obliged to pre-register by filling in the relevant electronic registration form, available in real time (on-line) on the Internet on the website of the „Merchant“, to agree with these General Terms and Conditions and declare that it is competent.
(2) By pressing the virtual button „Registration“, having the force of written confirmation of the General Terms, the User makes an electronic statement within the meaning of the Electronic Document and Electronic Signature Act, declaring that he is familiar with these General Terms, accepts them and undertakes to comply with them. By recording it on the appropriate medium in the server of the „Merchant“, through a generally accepted standard for conversion in a technical way, making it possible to reproduce, the electronic statement acquires the quality of an electronic document within the meaning of the cited law. The „Merchant“ may store in log files on its server the IP address of the Customer, as well as any other information necessary for its identification and in production of his electronic statement for acceptance of the General Terms and Conditions in case of a legal dispute. The text of these General Terms and Conditions is available on the Internet on the website of the „Merchant“ in a way that allows its storage and reproduction.
(3) When filling in the application for registration, the Customer is obliged to provide complete and accurate data on identity (for individuals), legal status (for legal entities) and other data required by the electronic form of the „Merchant“, as well as update them within 7 (seven) days from their change. The Customer declares that they agrees to provide the required personal data, ensuring that the data provided during the registration process are correct, complete and accurate and will change them in a timely manner if the latter changes. In case of providing incorrect data, the „Merchant“ has the right to terminate or suspend immediately and without notice the provision of services and maintenance of registration of the Customer.
Art. 8 (1) Upon registration, the Customer receives a unique username and password for access to the services available through the website of the „Merchant“.
(2) The username with which the Customer registers does not give him any other rights, except the right to use the specific username within the e-shop of the „Merchant“.
(3) The registrant in his capacity as a representative of a legal entity shall be obliged to enter his full name and address, resp. the name of the legal entity it represents. By accepting the General Terms and Conditions, they guarantee and confirm that they have a contractual relationship with the Customer company registered by them. Upon entering incorrect or misleading information, the party is deprived of the right to access the services of the Merchant’s website.
(4) The Customer is obliged to take all care and take the necessary measures that are reasonably necessary in order to protect their password, as well as not to disclose their password to third parties and to notify immediately the „Merchant“ in case of illegal access, as well as in case of probability and suspicion of such. They bears the responsibility and risk for the protection of their password, as well as for all actions performed by them or by a third party using their password.
Art. 9 (1) Customer use the interface of the Merchant’s website to enter into contracts for the sale of goods offered by the Merchant in the e-shop.
(2) The contract for purchase and sale of goods is considered concluded from the moment of its application by the Customer through the website of the „Merchant“.
Art. 10. (1) In order to place an order, the Customer must register in accordance with the terms and conditions described in here, as well as enter the system by identifying with a username and password.
(2) After selecting one or more products offered on the Merchant’s website, the Customer must add them to their list of products for purchase („cart“).
(3) It is necessary for the Customer to provide data for the delivery and to choose the method and time of payment of the price, and then to confirm the order through the interface of the e-shop.
(4) After the order is placed, the Customer will receive a confirmation by email that the order has been accepted.
Art. 11 (1) The delivery of the order is carried out by courier to the address or office of a courier company for delivery indicated by the Customer. Delivery is at the expense of the Customer. Except in cases where the „Merchant“ has announced special (PROMO) conditions for this.
(2) Before sending the order, the „Merchant“ has the right to contact the Customer on the phone number specified by him, in order to clarify details of the order and / or delivery.
(3) The „Merchant“ is not responsible for non-fulfillment of an order in cases where the Customer has provided incorrect, incomplete and / or inaccurate personal data, including when they have provided incomplete, inaccurate or fictitious address or telephone.
Art. 12 Delivery takes place within the deadlines described under each delivery option in the order interface module. In exceptional circumstances, the „Merchant“ reserves the right to extend the delivery period by promptly informing the Customer – by phone or by e-mail specified by them.
Art. 13 (1) The ordered products shall be delivered requiring signature, as the larger consignments (at the discretion of the courier) shall be delivered to the entrance of the building.
(2) The Consumer is obliged to inspect the goods at the time of delivery and to notify the courier immediately in case of discrepancies, shortages and damages. If the Customer does not do so, it is assumed that the delivery is accepted without objection.
Art. 14 (1) In case of impossibility or difficulty for delivery personally to the addressee, the order shall be delivered as follows:
a) for business address – to a person with a place of work at the address, indicating the name of the person who received the shipment;
b) for home address – of a member of the household, indicating the name of the person who received the shipment.
(2) In case of impossibility to deliver the shipment, which occurred through no fault of the „Merchant“ or the courier, the person performing the delivery shall call the contact telephone number indicated by the Customer to specify in which office of the courier the Customer may receive the delivery .
(3) If it is impossible to establish contact with the User, the distance selling contract is automatically terminated, as the „Merchant“ is released from its obligation to deliver the ordered products.
Art. 15 (1) The Consumer has the right to withdraw from the contract without stating a reason, without paying compensation or penalty within 14 days from the date of acceptance of the goods by the consumer or a third party.
(2) In order to exercise the right under this clause, the Customer must notify the „Merchant“ in writing of his decision to withdraw from the contract, citing the products they wishe to return, by providing all details of the order and delivery, including, but not only the value of the order, information about the person who made the order, information about the person who accepted the delivery, and the date of delivery. For this purpose, the Customer must contact the Merchant at this email address
(3) The Customer is obliged to return the products at their own expense, shipping them to the „Merchant“ or to a person authorized by the latter, within 14 days from the date on which the consumer has exercised his right to withdraw from the order.
Art. 16 (1) If the Consumer damages the factory packaging of the products, they lose their right to withdraw from the contract for reasons related to hygiene and health protection.
(2) In case it is established upon receipt of the returned products that they are damaged, it is considered that the „Merchant“ has no obligation to refund to the Consumer the price paid by them.
Art. 17 „The Merchant“ refunds to the Consumer the price paid by them for the returned products by bank transfer, after a bank account specified by the Consumer, at the request of the Consumer within 14 days of receipt of the returned goods. For security purposes, the User is obliged to provide a bank document certifying the correspondence between the bank account and the personal data of the User – Bank Account Certificate.
Art. 18 In case the Consumer finds a clear non-compliance of the products with the contract of sale, they have every right to file a complaint in accordance with the provisions of the Consumer Protection Act.